International✌🏼 Day

Is a crucial reminder that conflict can and must come to an end. It is dedicated to the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access, for 24-hours.

However, peace is more than putting down our weapons. Peace-building initiatives are about building a global society where people can live free from poverty and share the benefits of prosperity. It is our responsibility to contribute to building a safe, healthy society, and to promote literacy and quality education for all. It is an absolute right. It is about growing and supporting each other as a universal family.

“Problems such as climate change, poverty, hunger, lack of clean water and sanitation, and inequality are widespread, bringing suffering to far too many members of our human family.  We must do all we can to alleviate this suffering and contribute to a world of peace, sustainable development, and prosperity for all.” - UNICEF 🌍

So in the quest for peace, every year, the UN invites all nations to “honor the cessation of hostilities and commemorate the International Day of Peace through education, public awareness and issues related to peace”. The theme this year focused on sustainable development goals, because we need to protect our planet.

Conflicts arise when we compete each other over limited resources, using weapons and violence as out last solution, meanwhile costing the lives of many innocent people or destroys their chances of building a stable future. What is next for these children? 

Imagine a world where resources such as basic medical care and safe water are accessible! 768 million people do not have access to safe water, something that would be hard to give up for just 1 day.

Amazing things can happen when education becomes the heart of all our global goals! For example, if women had the same access to resources as men, they could reduce the number of hungry people worldwide by 150 million. Young girls should learn that they CAN beat the odds. Only by working together can we make our common home safe for future generations.

When we fight with our neighbors, we are teaching our children that violence is the only answer. We are teaching them the art of war. We are harming their futures and putting them in unimaginable danger. The refugee camps for settled internally displaced persons in the outskirts of Maai Mahiu, Kenya, is an example of millions of people affected by this. We can change their future by nurturing their dreams with education and support.  

While International Day of Peace continues its tradition of supporting everyone in the world to observe this important day - I hope we keep in mind to celebrating this daily as every person’s contribution takes us one step closer to building a world of lasting peace. Through this partnership, we stand a better chance of achieving success.