Modern slavery is all around us, but most people don't even realize it.
“There are 2X as many child refugees today than 10 years ago”, UNICEF stated. That means 8 million child refugees face the a shockingly high risk of human smuggling, trafficking and abuse. More than half of all refugees are children.
Modern slavery is a huge business that generates annual profits of over $150 billion. There are 21 million modern day slaves - that’s about 3 out of every 1,000 people worldwide working in agriculture, fishing, construction, manufacturing, mining, utilities and domestic work. Moreover, approximately 1 of 5 are victims of sexual exploitation.
What you can do:
Support the international treaty to end modern slavery for good at All you have to do is sign the petition.
What this does: The International Labour Organization's Protocol on Forced Labour could restore hope and freedom to millions of people trapped in slavery. It requires countries to ensure the release, recover, rehab of these people and protect them from prosecution of any laws they were made to break during that time. It requires employers to exercise due diligence in effort to support ethical business practices to avoid modern slavery in their supply chains.
Your impact:
The goal is to persuade at least 50 countries to ratify the Protocol on Forced Labour by 2018.
Currently, there are 12,087 current signatures, and 7 of 50 ratifications.